Prochem Double Clean 4kg (S776)

PROCHEM DOUBLE CLEAN is a heavy-duty carpet cleaning concentrate, formulated for optimum performance. This high quality extraction detergent contains anionic and non-ionic surfactants, corrosion inhibitor and alkaline builders and is specially designed for heavily soiled carpets; it cleans leaving a citrus mint fragrance.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Pre-test on an inconspicuous area of carpet for colour-fastness. For use in portable extraction machines dilute with hot water at a rate of 1:500 in the solution tank. For truck mount units mix 1 kilo of DOUBLE CLEAN with 20 litres of warm water and set flow meter at 2 to 4 GPH. Heavily soiled areas should be pre-treated with PROCHEM S709 MULTI PRO or PROCHEM S710 TRAFFICLEAN.
N.B. DOUBLE CLEAN can seriously damage eyes and is for professional use only. Suitable gloves and eye protection should always be worn.
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